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Main Page arrow Projects arrow Construction arrow Ministry Buildings in Turkmenistan
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Ministry Buildings in Turkmenistan

Project Status C
Year 2011 - 2013
Area/Capacity 52.247 m²
Location Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
Having launched significant public projects in Turkmenistan, Rönesans successfully constructed three major ministry buildings over a 52.000 square meter area.
Having launched significant public projects in Turkmenistan, Rönesans successfully constructed three major ministry buildings over a 52.000 square meter area.

The project involved Ministry of Road Transport of Turkmenistan with 200 employees, Ministry of Railways of Turkmenistan with 270 employees and the Industrial Complex of Turkmenistan with 186 employees. Administrative buildings and surrounding landscape design were built by Rönesans.

These 15-story luxury buildings on the main boulevard of the city are equipped with advanced technology while standing out with a design that blends modern architecture and national elements. The façades of the buildings were covered with white Italian marbles in harmony with the “White City Ashkhabad” concept. The opening ceremonies were held on October 15, 2013.

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