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Clarification Text

This Clarification Text is drawn up by Rönesans Holding A.Ş. (“Rönesans”) to provide information to the persons whose personal data are processed regarding the rules observed in the course of processing and sharing their personal data as well as on the rights such persons are entitled to in this respect in accordance with the Turkish Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“KVKK”). 

The personal data is processed in adherence to the principles of complying with the applicable law as well as the principle of honesty; accuracy and being up-to-date when necessary; being processed for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes; relevance, restriction and proportionality to the intended purpose for which such data is processed, and retaining such data for the duration as stipulated by the applicable legislation or for the duration as required for intended purpose of processing   

The personal data can be processed by Rönesans; for fulfilling the legal and administrative obligations for conducting all endeavors that must be performed in order to enter into and carry out the contractual relations; for identifying the products, projects and services proper and fit for the customers; for customizing, developing and presenting such products, projects and services to the customers; for securing and improving coordination, collaboration and efficiency between Rönesans units; for ensuring security of the website and other electronic systems in use; for legislative harmonization; for serving notifications to the respective parties as required; for conducting and developing advertising and marketing campaigns; for carrying out audit activities; for organizing other events, promotions and campaigns that may be to the favor the data subject, such as birthday celebrations, inclusion to sweepstakes and competitions and presenting gifts; for investigating, discovering and preventing any breaches of contract and law; for reporting such breaches to the administrative and judicial authorities; for exercising legal rights, resolving legal disputes and responding to any requests and questions; for performing measurements on satisfaction, performance and so forth; for executing operations; for creating policies particularly on the human resources; for supplying requirements; for executing recruitment processes; for identifying company strategies and for establishing, exercising and protecting rights. 

The personal data can be acquired by Rönesans either through direct means from negotiations and via written, verbal and electronic means such as call center, website, social media channels, mobile apps and similar means or through indirect means from the corporations and from real persons and legal entities (including but not limited to the business partners, suppliers, agencies, subcontractors, contractors, consultants, etc.) that Rönesans has engaged in any business relationship via verbal, written or electronic media. Such data can also be acquired during trainings, seminars or organizations either organized by Rönesans or by the third parties other than Rönesans in the workplaces and projects of Rönesans. 

The personal data can be retained for the duration as recognized in applicable policies of Rönesans or as stipulated in the legislation. 

The personal data so acquired may be shared with the subsidiaries and affiliates, the business partners and the suppliers of Rönesans as well as competent public institutions and organizations pursuant to Article 8 of the KVKK for the purpose of achieving the processing objectives of the personal data as set forth above; for taking advantage of the products and services offered by Rönesans; for customizing, differentiating and recommending the rendered services depending on the inclinations, usage habits and needs; for ensuring legal, physical and commercial security; for improving and auditing the quality of services and for evaluating the services; for creating business strategies and policies; and for complying with the legal regulations.

Your personal data can be shared with the affiliates and subsidiaries, business partners and suppliers as well as competent public institutions and organizations with principal office, branch, workplace, operations or data storage units are located abroad pursuant to Article 9 of KVKK for the purposes listed in the previous paragraph. 

Your personal data can be collected either through automated means, either completely or partially, depending on the nature of the means of supply as set out in this Clarification Text, or through non-automated means provided that such means are an integral part of the data recording system.

Your personal data is processed and transferred in accordance with Article 5 of KVKK, and Rönesans is entitled to process and transfer the sensitive personal data in accordance with Article 6 of KVKK, on the condition to observe applicable legal conditions. 

We hereby inform you that you have the rights set forth hereunder regarding your personal data in accordance with Article 11 of KVKK:

  •  To request information if your personal data has been processed, 
  • To learn the purpose of processing your personal data and whether such data is used for the intended purpose, 
  • To learn the third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred domestically or abroad, 
  • To request rectification of the incomplete or inaccurate data, and to request notification of the rectifications made in this respect to the third parties to whom the personal data might have been transferred, 
  • Despite being processed in accordance with the provisions of the law and other applicable laws, in the event where the grounds that require processing of the data are no longer available, to request deletion, destruction or anonymization of your personal data and to request notification of such actions made in this respect to the third parties to whom the personal data might have been transferred, 
  • To file an objection to emergence of any unfavorable outcome for you by analyzing your processed data exclusively through automated means, 
  • To request compensation in case you suffer damages due to unlawful processing of your personal data. 

Application Procedure 

Relevant requests should be forwarded in writing to address of Rönesans at Çankaya Mahallesi Atatürk Bulvarı No: 144-146 Çankaya/ANKARA via notary public. Any request to be forwarded to the e-mail address should be sent to ronesans.holding@hs03.kep.tr or kvk@ronesans.com by using the registered electronic mail (KEP) address, secure electronic signature, mobile signature or the requesting party’s electronic mail address registered with Rönesans, or by means of the software or application developed for the application directed to the ronesans.com website, if any. 

The applications so submitted should be drafted in Turkish language using the form provided as attached to this Clarification Text, and the request must be written explicitly to allow comprehension without any hesitation, and the credentials as well as the documents and information related to the subject matter should be enclosed to the application. The requests submitted on behalf of others must include the information on the credentials and address of the requesting party and the legal instruments documenting authorization to represent the requesting party. 

Any applications to be filed in this respect shall be concluded in the shortest time frame possible but, in any case, within 30 (thirty) days at latest. In the event of incomplete information and documents, said period shall commence as of the date on which such deficient information and documents are fully communicated. The applications are currently free of charge. However, if the transaction requires any additional cost, the fee provided in the tariff set out by the Personal Data Protection Board may be charged. 

The responses can be either sent to the requesting party’s address by mail, or can be forwarded to the e-mail address depending on Rönesans's preference.

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