We regard the mission of reducing our environmental impact as an integral part of our business processes.
Accordingly, we seek to minimize the impact on the environment and use resources sustainably while carrying out our work
In this context,
- We fulfill the requirements of each country we operate in, in line with local and national laws as well as international standards.
- We apply the best available technologies to minimize the impact of our activities
- We create procedures and provide training to manage the environmental aspects of our activities comprehensively
- We plan, review, and evaluate our environmental performance against measurable targets and industry best practices to ensure continuous improvement
- We monitor and report our corporate environmental performance
- We fully comply with the ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems Standard
- We provide effective and active communication with stakeholders
In addition to the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, we have refined our Environment and Sustainability Policy, considering national and international standards and best practices, and announced said policy to our employees and third parties. Furthermore, we have undertaken an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) to estimate and rate projects' potential environmental and social impacts and to prevent, mitigate, correct, offset, or compensate for adverse impacts.

Combat Climate Change
We believe that innovation achieved through the best technology is the key to discovering eco-friendly solutions to ensure the impacts of climate change are mitigated quickly and effectively.
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, one of the primary causes of global warming, have become one of the world's main agenda items due to the Paris Agreement signed in 2015. We aim to become a pioneer in raising awareness regarding monitoring GHG emissions in the sectors in which we operate. We develop our methods to carry out annual GHG emission calculations, generate targets for future projections, and reduce emissions in line with our GHG inventory studies.Rönesans Holding offers innovative solutions to meet the additional performance requirements of sustainable buildings, developments, and cities.
Rönesans Holding integrates the requirements of quickly evolving global and local regulations in the context of the climate crisis into its business practices in all countries in which it operates. Actions to reduce GHG emissions are taken during our projects' operation and construction phases. The buildings and facilities which Rönesans build offer high energy efficiency and, therefore, low GHG emissions continue to positively impact the environment after they are delivered to the end users. Creating value in environmental and social areas with the principle of constant progress is an essential aspect of our corporate culture. We aim to maintain our position as a pioneering and leading company in the sector when it comes to the design, construction, and operation of projects in line with our sustainability principles. We identify the risks and opportunities related to climate change with environmental impact analysis before starting each project; as a result, we design eco-friendly projects with high energy efficiency. Through the BIM (Building Information Modelling) technology we use to bring innovative solutions to our projects, we reduce carbon emissions by up to 50%.