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Main Page arrow Projects arrow Construction arrow Five bridges project in Guinea
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Five bridges project in Guinea

Project Status Ongoing
Year 2022 - 2025
Location Guinea
Improved access to urban areas, greater economic opportunities for the inhabitants and faster routes to hospitals and other facilities: these are some of the aims of the Five Bridges project in Conakry, the busy capital of Guinea. Ballast Nedam is building five bridges and 12 kilometres of road surface together with several Dutch companies.

The bridges are build-up out of steel trusses with a length of 48 metres and will have two lanes of traffic. The Kassonyah (92 metres in length), Koroty and Demoudoulla (144 metres in length) and Kissosso and Kakimbo (192 metres in length) will have pedestrian walkways on both sides to ensure the safety of pedestrians.

This project will reduce inequality between countries, according to Sustainable Development Goal SDG 10. It will also contribute to Sustainable Development Goals SDGs 8 (Decent work and economic growth), 9 (Industry, innovation and infrastructure) and 17 (Partnership to achieve goals).

- Link: https://www.ballast-nedam.com/what-we-do/projects/2022/five-bridges-project-in-guinea

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