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Main Page arrow Projects arrow Investment arrow Yozgat City Hospital

Yozgat City Hospital

Project Status Completed
Year 2015 - 2017
Area/Capacity 128.112 m²
Location Yozgat, Turkey
Yozgat City Hospital is another Rönesans project implemented with the PPP model. Sitting on a total area of 142,000 m2, the 475-bed city hospital provides services to Yozgat as well as the rest of the region.
Yozgat City Hospital is another Rönesans project implemented with the PPP model. Sitting on a total area of 142,000 m2, the 475-bed city hospital provides services to Yozgat as well as the rest of the region.

Following the example set by other projects by Rönesans Healthcare Investment, the hospital provides world-class healthcare services in the general hospital unit as well as an acute newborn intensive care unit, an intensive care unit, a radiology unit, an angiography unit, a chemotherapy unit, a nuclear medicine unit as well as a physiotherapy center.

Having started admitting patients on January 12, 2017 as the first operational city hospital, the Yozgat City Hospital is Turkey’s first LEED GOLD Certified hospital project.

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