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Main Page arrow Projects arrow Investment arrow Adana City Hospital

Adana City Hospital

Project Status Completed
Year 2015-2017
Area/Capacity 550.000 m²
Location Adana, Turkey
One of many city hospital projects, which are named as Turkey’s most extensive transformation in the health sector, the Adana City Hospital project was launched with a PPP model initiated by the Ministry of Health.
One of many city hospital projects, which are named as Turkey’s most extensive transformation in the health sector, the Adana City Hospital project was launched with a PPP model initiated by the Ministry of Health.

The city hospital, which was completed in 2017 and started admitting patients, was designed to be large enough to serve not only Adana but also the whole region.

Built in the Yüreğir district of Adana on a total of 318,500 m2 of land with an indoor area of 550,000 m2, the hospital consists of a 1,300-bed Main Hospital, 150-bed Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Hospital and a 100-bed High Security Forensic Psychiatry Hospital. The main hospital facility comprises four buildings surrounding a shared core building and includes the following hospitals:

Oncology Hospital with a bed capacity of 184

Cardiology and Cardiovascular Diseases Hospital with a bed capacity of 187

Maternity and Children’s Hospital with a bed capacity of 347

General Hospital with a bed capacity of 582

High Security Forensic Psychiatry Hospital with a bed capacity of 100

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Hospital with a bed capacity of 150

Providing a total capacity of 1,550 beds, the Adana City Hospital is recognized as the “World’s Largest Seismically Isolated Hospital” with 1,512 seismic isolators installed in its main hospital building. Equipped with world-class cutting-edge isolators, the Adana City Hospital will be able to seamlessly carry out all its operations, even during and after the most severe earthquake scenarios.

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