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Özlüce Weir and HEPP

Project Status Completed
Year 2011 - 2013
Area/Capacity 36,92 MW
Location Erzurum, Turkey
The construction of the Özlüce Weir and HEPP project, which is located within the borders of Erzurum province, started in 2011.
The construction of the Özlüce Weir and HEPP project, which is located within the borders of Erzurum province, started in 2011.

The project, which is on the Çapans Creek, was completed in December 2013. The project has a total installed capacity of 36.92 MWm. The Özlüce Weir and HEPP, which is expected to have an annual energy output of 84 GWh, is considered as one of the most important projects in the sector.

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