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Main Page arrow Projects arrow Construction arrow Westfield Mall of the Netherlands
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Westfield Mall of the Netherlands

Project Status Completed
Year 2017 - 2021
Location Leidschendam, Netherlands
Ballast Nedam has expended the Leidsenhage shopping centre into the largest shopping centre in the Netherlands. Under the name Westfield Mall of the Netherlands, it has opened a whole new level in shopping centres.

We constructed the north and south sides of the shopping centre for this project and gave it a brand-new shape: its main structural works, certain interior finishes, and a characteristic façade. The structure is mainly cast-in-situ and partially constructed from prefabricated concrete elements. The façade was made of glass and 2D and 3D geometrical and curved fibre. 

Under the roof of the Mall of the Netherlands are hundreds of shops and restaurants, ten movie theatres, a sports café and a bowling centre, and hundreds of retail stores.


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