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Main Page arrow Projects arrow Construction arrow Uzmetkombinat Iron and Steel Casting and Rolling Factory
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Uzmetkombinat Iron and Steel Casting and Rolling Factory

Project Status Ongoing
Year 2020-2024
Area/Capacity 1 Million tons per year hot rolled products with a thickness of 1.4 to 12mm. and a width of 800 to 1300mm.
Location Bekabad, Uzbekistan
In 2020, Rönesans started the construction of the Uzbekistan Uzmetkombinat facility in Bekabad, 130 kilometers south of Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, in cooperation with the Italian company Danieli. The facility is expected to be completed by the end of 2024. 

When the facility, which is being constructed on behalf of the Uzbekistan State-owned Uzmetkombinat company, is complete, it will have an annual production capacity of 1 million 40 thousand tons of steel sheet with a thickness of 1.4 - 12 mm and a width of 800 - 1300 mm.

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