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Main Page arrow Projects arrow Construction arrow St Maarten Airport Terminal Reconstruction Project
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St Maarten Airport Terminal Reconstruction Project

Project Status Completed
Year 2021 - 2023
Location St Maarten
Ballast Nedam International Projects is realising a completely renewed terminal for the Princes Juliana International Airport. With this new terminal the island will be able to welcome and transport its travellers according to the latest standards.

We are renovating the entire airport terminal, including the facade, windows, check-in hall, check-in counters, security areas, departure gates, arrival hall, business lounge, offices and installations. Ultimately, the terminal will have a modern look with the latest techniques.

In this project, we are working in full compliance with the sustainability requirements of the World Bank. We are focusing strongly on minimising our impact on the environment and optimising our stakeholder management and the social impact of the project.


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