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Main Page arrow Projects arrow Construction arrow Reconstruction and Extension of A9 Gaasperdammerweg
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Reconstruction and Extension of A9 Gaasperdammerweg

Project Status Completed
Year 2021
Location Amsterdam, Netherlands
Carried out in cooperation between Ballast Nedam, Heijmans, Fluor and 3i, the project involves the longest land tunnel (3 km) in Holland, 5 lanes on both directions, one reversible lane and a 73-m wide tunnel.
Carried out in cooperation between Ballast Nedam, Heijmans, Fluor and 3i, the project involved the longest land tunnel (3 km) in Holland, 5 lanes on both directions, one reversible lane and a 73-m wide tunnel.

Above the tunnel is a park situated. As part of reconstruction activities, the road in the area will be expanded by 7 kilometers and 4 passageways, train and subway connections and a sound barrier 1.300 meters deep will be built.

Developed with a Public & Private Partnership (PPP) model, the A9 Gaasperdammerweg road expansion project’s main goal was to improve the accessibility of the northern Randstad region and the quality of life in Amsterdam Zuidoost.

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