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Main Page arrow Projects arrow Construction arrow Construction of Princess Amalia Harbour
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Construction of Princess Amalia Harbour

Project Status Ongoing
Year 2021 - 2024
Area/Capacity 2,4 km
Location Rotterdam, Netherlands
- Information: This project involves 2.4 kilometres of intelligent quay wall expansion. The new construction is planned on both sides of the port and consists of 1,825 metres of deep-sea quay, 160 metres of waiting area and 360 metres of earth retaining walls.

The Princess Amalia Harbour project also distinguishes itself from other projects in terms of technology. The quay wall is going to be ‘smart’ and is equipped with all kinds of sensors that monitor forces and deformations. This enables technicians to monitor movements of the quay wall when ships dock for example.
- Link: https://www.ballast-nedam.com/what-we-do/projects/2021/princess-amalia-harbour

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