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Main Page arrow Projects arrow Construction arrow CCPP / Gas & Steam Turbine Plant Herne
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CCPP / Gas & Steam Turbine Plant Herne

Project Status Completed
Year 2020 - 2021
Location Herne, Germany
- Construction of a reinforced concrete structure of a gas and steam turbine plant on the factory premises of STEAG Herne.
- The demanding performance includes large concrete structures with up to 2,200 m³ as well as numerous built-in parts for steel and plant engineering that have to be installed. Construction site equipment, excavation between 777 ramming piles, special civil engineering, reinforced concrete work for the foundations of the plant construction, outbuildings and switch houses, stair tower in sliding construction, locksmith and expansion work.
- The total earth excavation is 23,000 m³ and 18,000 m³ of construction concrete will be installed.

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