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Main Page arrow News arrow Rönesans Holding Spearheads Construction of 286km Electric Railway in Southern Turkiye, Boosting UK-Turkiye Export and Sustainable Transportation

Rönesans Holding Spearheads Construction of 286km Electric Railway in Southern Turkiye, Boosting UK-Turkiye Export and Sustainable Transportation

21 August 2023
Rönesans Holding announces its commitment to the construction of a transformative 286km electric railway network in southern Turkiye, connecting major cities through a high-speed, low-carbon route. This landmark project, authorised by the Turkish Ministry of Transport, will not only bolster international relations and the volume of export between Turkiye and the UK but also contribute significantly to the region's economic growth and environmental sustainability.
For German, please click: Rönesans Holding leitet den Bau einer 286 km langen elektrischen Eisenbahnstrecke in der Südtürkei und fördert damit die Exportaktivitäten zwischen dem Vereinigten Königreich und der Türkei sowie den nachhaltigen Transport

For French, please click: Rönesans Holding lance la construction d'une ligne ferroviaire électrifiée de 286 km dans le sud de la Turquie, favorisant les exportations britanniques et turques ainsi que le transport durable

For Spanish, please click:Rönesans Holding encabeza la construcción de un ferrocarril eléctrico de 286 km en el sur de Turkiye

For Dutch, please click: Rönesans Holding bouwt een 286 km lange elektrische spoorweg in Zuid-Turkije, wat de export tussen het Verenigd Koninkrijk en Turkije stimuleert en duurzaam transport bevordert

Operating at speeds of up to 200 km/h, this high-speed rail link will reduce travel time from Gaziantep to Mersin from six hours to two hours – the second largest container port in Turkiye and a thriving city of over one million people – by four hours, with the improved transportation connectivity expected to generate a significant economic boost to the area.

With a presence in over 30 countries and a successful track record of delivering more than €40bn of complex and large-scale infrastructure projects worldwide, with over 70% of its revenues generated from international business outside Turkiye, Rönesans Holding brings a wealth of expertise and experience to this ambitious railway endeavour. The project is the latest in the company’s long history of successful strategic partnerships from all around the world, having worked with partners and shareholders including Government of Singapore Investment Corporation (GIC), Meridiam, a Paris-based infrastructure fund, Japanese trading house Sojitz Corporation, and International Finance Corporation (IFC), of the World Bank Group which is a shareholder in Rönesans, and Samsung CT, among others.

Leveraging its global network of over 30,000 professionals, the company is well-positioned to implement the cutting-edge solutions and innovative technologies needed to construct and operate a high-speed electrified railway in an area known to experience seismic activity. 

Dr. Erman Ilıcak, President of Rönesans Holding, expressed his enthusiasm for the project, stating, "This railway line is a hugely exciting development for southern Turkiye and will also see Rönesans strengthen its relationships with key UK suppliers. We are delighted to be appointed to the project, and to work together with such prolific UK businesses to bring this high-speed electrified railway to life. This truly collaborative project will not only enhance our relationship with UK exporters, it will also revolutionise rail links in Turkiye, significantly enhancing the region's industrial connectivity and trade while actively reducing negative environmental impact."

The financing for this project has been supported by the UK government's export credit agency, UK Export Finance (UKEF), which has underwritten €781m of funding (equivalent to £680m) of the €923 million total project financing. The loan was provided by a number of global financial institutions, including JP Morgan, ING, and BNP Paribas. This pan-European deal also includes involvement from Italian and Austrian export credit agencies, SACE and OeKB, who will be providing the necessary reinsurance to secure the project for Turkish rail infrastructure.

UKEF's support for the railway project opens new multimillion-pound export contract opportunities for collaboration between UK suppliers and Rönesans Group. Discussions are already underway to negotiate contracts for essential components, including signalling equipment, ESG consultancy services, and mechanical components. The project's success is aligned with the growth in national production and construction outputs experienced this year, promising even greater prospects for UK exporters.

This ambitious railway project will play a crucial role in Turkiye's efforts to achieve its environmental goals and increase high-speed railway coverage in the country to 10,000km. Spanning a distance greater than that between Cardiff and London, the railway will enable faster and more efficient travel, benefitting regional infrastructure and growth. It will also establish strategic connections with airports, ports, and industrial zones in the hinterlands, including many major cities like Adana and Gaziantep, as well as larger cities in Southeastern Anatolia such as Hatay, Diyarbakır, and Şanlıurfa, and also Central Anatolia.

The electric railway will replace the current diesel locomotive-operated railway, providing a lower-carbon and more sustainable alternative between Mersin and Gaziantep. Project forecasts indicate that the completed route will save an impressive 157,000 tonnes in CO2e emissions in its first year alone. By reducing travel time and increasing the usage of railways, it will alleviate traffic congestion and accidents on highways, while promoting a much more sustainable transportation system by reducing carbon emissions.

The project also plays a significant part in the wider reconstruction efforts following the devastating twin earthquakes that struck Turkiye in February 2023. By contributing to the rebuilding of Gaziantep, Osmaniye, and other areas severely impacted by the disaster, the railway will aid in the region's recovery and growth. Under the leadership of Dr. Erman Ilıcak, the President, this is of particular importance to Rönesans, who played a key role in the disaster relief efforts, and remain committed to the cause collaborating with UNICEF and UNFPA on active projects to aid the areas and people affected.

Rönesans Holding is dedicated to fostering sustainable and innovative transportation solutions, and this high-speed electrified railway is a testament to its commitment to environmental stewardship and economic progress.

About Rönesans Group

Rönesans Holding, the conglomerate's leading investment entity headquartered in Ankara, is the 53rd largest international contracting company globally and one of the largest in Europe. With operations spanning 30 countries across Europe, Central Asia, and Africa, including subsidiaries such as Ballast Nedam in the Netherlands and Heitkamp Industrial Solutions GmbH in Germany, Rönesans has been operating as the main contractor and investor successfully for 30 years in construction, energy, healthcare, real estate development and industrial investments. Putting resilience and growth through innovation at the core of the company, with a priority on sustainability and social development, Rönesans has developed projects supporting students with scholarships, academic platforms and initiatives; been a signatory of the UN Global Compact since 2015; and a signatory of the UN Women’s Empowerment Principles since 2016.

Under the leadership of its president, Erman Ilıcak, Rönesans, along with its partners GIC, Meridiam Infrastructure, Sojitz, Samsung C&T, TotalEnergies, and IFC of the World Bank Group (minority shareholder in the group), has invested more than EUR8 billion into pioneering projects globally.

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